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Customs Agency

Dear customers,

On Customs Agency website you can receive detailed and specialized information in English and Bulgarian, concerning specific operations for import and export.

Web address: www.customs.bg

Customs tariff – consult module Tarik of EU – gives you the opportunity to receive information about code or description of imported and exported goods. Please, carefully screen the accepted main regulations and their alteration.

You can find the regulations and issued documentation on address: www.eur-lex.europa.eu. When verifying tariff number of goods, besides the stake of customs duty, you can find out whether, when importing or exporting, additional certificates and standpoints are required.

Customs currency exchange rate

Current exchange rates are valid for a certain period of time and are used to calculate the statistic dutiable value /value in BGN, based on which is calculated the percentage of customs duty. Please remember that the VAT due is calculated based on the sum of the statistic dutiable value plus the customs duty due.

Working systems, electronic customs

The working systems of customs administration are electronic portals for filling up and sending data from the customs declarations. In case the systems are not working, in this menu you can view the official messages for that, by the Customs Agency.

We are available to all of you for additional information, for help when using the tariffs and other questions, connected to the imposition of customs duty on your shipments.


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