The price of our customs representation services are part of our updated price list for processing import/export goods at Sofia Airport.

The standard service includes:

1. Receiving original documents for the import/export of goods from the client or handling agent.

2. Determination of tariffs for the import/export of goods.

3. Creating a customs declaration for the import/export.

4. Saving and keeping an electronic copy of the customs declaration or sending it to the customs authorities when appropriate.

5. Forwarding the owed customs duties and tariffs to the client during import.

6. Payment of the customs duties and tariffs on behalf of the client or as agreed during import.

7. Customs clearance- customs representation on import/export.

8. When prompted by the customs authorities, undertaking a physical inspection of the goods.

9. Collecting the shipment from the customs storage under customs control during import.

10.Turning over the authorised original customs documents to the client during import/export. In the case of export, the authorised customs documents are the customs declaration with a stamp- "Export completed"

Price list for customs clearance services :

Price list-CCL-EXP-BG-01Oct2014.pdf

Price list-CCL-EXP-EN-01Oct2014.pdf

Price list-CCL-IMP-BG-01Oct2014.pdf

Price list-CCL-IMP-EN-01Oct2014.pdf



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